about me

lots of people on myspace ask me for advice on everything from ass-fucking to the best way to pick up chicks. i usually try to send a quick note but it is taking up too much time. so here are answers to some of my more frequently asked questions.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


something has been bugging me for a while now and it has finally become so irksome that i’ve decided to address it in a special post.

when you send an email, there are 3 components; address, subject and message. the address should be self explanatory and the message is entirely up to you.

so can you guess what has me all pissed off today? the god damned ass sucking fucking subject line, that’s what.

for whatever reason, i have a ton of guys and (thankfully) some girls hitting on me every day on myspace (i haven’t embraced facebook yet but when i do, myspace can suck my cunt, they know why) so of course i get plenty of email.

my other, more popular blog, which is simply a disgusting diatribe against sarah palin and the rest of them generates a fat bag of letters each day as well.

now, imagine this: on a heavy day, you get 70 emails from 70 different people who lust after you or want to kill you. yes, i get death threats now and again, i regard them as most hallowed compliments and wish i had more.

i don’t get so much mail that i can’t respond to everything if i want. the problem arises when i can’t differentiate between emails because the subject is always the same: “hey”. this is a major problem on myspace. i am happy to receive your letters but the subject is always “hey” which is maddening. are you writing to pay a compliment? do you want to educate me in regard to hell and my eventual abode therein? perhaps you want to eat me, or watch your girlfriend eat me?

whatever the reason for your message, put it in the fucking subject line, please and thank you.

honestly, the only people among my correspondents who use their heads and make a grammatical attempt are the muslims who are offended by my “why i hate muslims” post. do i need to write a post on why i hate americans? i have plenty of material and i truly do hate you fat lazy pussies.

in closing; please choose 2 or 3 keywords to describe your message and stick them in the subject line just like the google. if you do, i will probably write you back. if you use “hey” i will mostly ignore your ass and if you leave the subject line blank like a retard, i will kick your nuts off.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

why i hate muslims

why i hate muslims

by ivana g.

hatred is not an emotion that comes easily to me and there are no individual people that i hate, rather, i hate some ideas.

i hate the hypocrisy common to all of the monotheistic religions. i hate the way progress in all aspects of life must receive the blessing of the church or exist under constant siege by the same.

it was not until the 1990’s that the catholic church forgave galileo for the heresy of suggesting that the earth is not at the center of the universe, a fact that was as true in the 1600’s as it is today. we just had to wait 300 years for the church to catch up.

even today in the united states there are state laws requiring teachers to teach the ‘controversy’ in respect to evolution. louisiana governor bobby jindal recently signed legislation to that effect. remember governor jindal? he is the intellectual giant the republicans hauled out to rebut president obama’s non-state of the union address.

now in louisiana, instead of the teacher teaching her students, she has to open well established scientific fact up to ‘critical debate.’ louisiana students consistently test at the very bottom of all american students along with mississippi.

american teenagers are taught to abstain from sex until marriage, a policy which is clearly at odds with reality as demonstrated by Bristol palin, the now eighteen year old daughter of former republican vice-presidential candidate and current alaska governor sarah palin. governor palin is staunchly pro-abstinence education despite the daily reminder of it’s inefficacy in the form of her new grandson and high school dropout daughter.

thanks to religion, in my country it is illegal to smoke pot, gays can not marry, scientific research is blocked at every turn and education is an embarrassment.

meanwhile, politicians and prominent religious leaders routinely take much harder drugs than pot and perform all manner of sexual debauchery with other men, prostitutes and even young boys both in the church and in the halls of congress.

you may be asking “where do muslims fit into all of this?”

simple, as repressive as the hard-line christian minority is in the united states, they are small time compared to muslims. here is a world map showing state religions. the green countries are muslim, gray indicates no official state religion.

we immediately see that Islamic nations far outnumber all other religions combined both in population and land mass. islamic law rules the land and in some of the less progressive countries, even today, adulterers are stoned to death.

for a graphic description of a modern public stoning as well as a glimpse into the horrific oppression faced by muslim women read ‘princess: a true story of life behind the veil in saudi arabiaby jean p. sasson.

there was some controversy surrounding this book at the time it was published including a failed plagiarism lawsuit and its truthiness is still debated among muslims. if the book is untrue, the fact that honor killings do in fact occur in the middle east is well documented.

i would like to see an end to all religion beginning with the worst which in my opinion is islam.

here is a cnn report on a recent honor killing of a seventeen year old girl in kurdistan. she was not a muslim but, according to the report, from a sect that draws from christianity, judaism and islam. nice.